Riskalyze logo

Risk analysis of financial instruments and investment portfolio management

An advisor platform that helps investors be fearless.

Riskalyze system screenshot
Riskalyze report screenshot
Riskalyze performance analysis report screenshot


  • React
  • Node.js
  • Puppeteer
  • AWS (S3, Lambda, SQS)


  • 2.5 years

Our Team

  • 2 Frontend Developers
  • Backend Developer
  • Tech Lead
  • Proxy Product Owner

Business Challenge

Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Or so the old adage goes. Just as with any successful race, investing needs so much hard work upfront. Before deciding on a proper asset allocation, investors have to carefully consider lots of different factors, just as required return, liquidity needs, and most importantly, risk tolerance. For the average investor, definitions like "moderately conservative" or "aggressive" may sound confusing. They don't necessarily help. Riskalyze supports decision making by providing personalized financial reports that enable investment advisors to record a quantitative evaluation of their customers' risk tolerance. Riskalyze lets anyone invest fearlessly.

Creating meaningful products is what we do.

What we did

Scope of work

  • Web development icon

    Web Development

    Creating a new report system.

  • Project management icon

    Project Management

    Guiding the product lifecycle.

Our Goal

Development of an advanced financial report system and dashboard for FinServ client.

Riskalyze reports screenshots

Our work

  • Growth icon

    Riskalyze, being one of the first biggest projects in MasterBorn, provided us with opportunities to grow and learn. As a team, we took our first steps in the FinTech industry. Riskalyze trusted us to create a brand new reporting system.

  • Cooperation icon

    Our team cooperated closely with Riskalyze's technical team (they even came to meet us in Wrocław)! A designated product owner attended our retrospective meetings, ensuring that we were always on the same page.

  • Laptop with graphs icon

    This professional reporting system exceeded client expectations and continues to support financial advisors in identifying investment risk.

  • Riskalyze graph screenshot
  • Riskalyze PDFs pages
  • Riskalyze snapshot report screenshot
  • Riskalyze reports batching screenshot
What we did


    Algorithm icon

    React to PDF conversion

    PDF icon

    Combining single PDF pages

    Template icon

    Report templating

    Reports icon

    Possibility to batch reports

What we did

  • Pupeteer icon 2

    Rendering reports in serverless backend (using Puppeteer)

  • Unplugged icon

    Integration with the Riskalyze API (efficient and question-optimized)

Riskalyze Admin Panel screenshot

It was a pleasure to work on a project stable enough that the entire team was comfortable with it. It allowed us to explore new solutions and get every detail right.

Łukasz Krzyżański avatar
Łukasz Krzyżański

MasterBorn Tech Team Lead

The Outcome

Based on the existing system that determines investment risk, we developed multiple advanced reports — graphs, summaries, statistics, etc. We took data straight from the Riskalyze system and packed them into clear and user-friendly PDF files.

Team icon

A well-coordinated team of professionals

Laptop with code icon

Collaboration on the code (code reviews)

Smile icon

The client was impressed with how fast end efficient we work

What We Learned

We faced several hurdles while working on Riskalyze. First of all, it was an unusual use of React (and Puppeteer)! We also put a lot of effort into PDF conversion, because not all functionalities could be used, there were no interactive elements, and we had a lot more unexpected factors to take into account. But unpacking these challenges made us work together to come up with unique solutions.

Riskalyze was a valuable project, both from a technical and business perspective.

It was also quite a challenge, and it boosted our area of expertise.

CTO Przemek Królik avatar
Przemek Królik

CTO MasterBorn

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